Holyoake is a leading non-government provider of alcohol and other drug treatment services in Western Australia. We offer a wide range of evidence-based
Programs for individuals, families and communities impacted by alcohol, other drugs and mental health issues in a holistic, non-judgemental, safe and caring environment. Over the past 2 decades, Holyoake has been delivering Mental Health services in conjunction with Alcohol and Other Drug services, empowering people to change their lives and make better futures possible.
Counselling & Support
The Holyoake Approach to providing services continues to develop in line with contemporary research, often referred to as evidence-based practice.

Our Programs
Alcohol, drug and mental health concerns affect individuals and those who care for them. From the outset, the Holyoake evidence-based approach to provide more holistic and non- judgemental services to those effected and impacted by alcohol and drugs has achieved excellent outcomes. A bold vision that has stood the test of time for over 40 years. Each year, thousands of people experience the benefits of Holyoake’s positive approach in a safe, confidential and caring environment.
Holyoake’s unique family systems approach recognises the impact that alcohol and other drugs or mental health issues have on all family members, and our services reflect this understanding. We provide a range of family- sensitive and confidential interventions that respond to both individuals and family members. This focus on family and significant others also acknowledges that positive change can be affected by working with anyone within the family system.
Accordingly, Holyoake provides a broad range of individual and group AOD programs specifically for men, women, partners, couples, parents, adolescents and young children

Counselling and Support – Victoria Park
Holyoake delivers an extensive range of Counselling and Support services from the head office located in Victoria Park with two main counselling teams based at the site. Co-located within the office is the Corporate Services team who manage business across all of Holyoake’s sites.
The Individuals and Families team is comprised of clinical staff who deliver a range of individual and group therapeutic programs customised for all ages and circumstances. The offered services provide the opportunity for people with their own use concerns as well as families and loved ones in the community to gain valuable support and be assisted to work through their individual challenges.
Evidence-based programs are available for men, women, young adults and adolescents with their own alcohol or other drug use concerns and delivered
in a tailored format for each cohort whilst remaining sensitive to individual needs. Partners or relatives, including parents and children, affected by a loved- one’s alcohol or substance use can access a range of programs designed to support them with their challenges, and assist them to develop improved coping strategies whilst engaging in increased self-care.
Experienced counsellors work closely with each person to ensure they receive maximum benefit from their engagement. After an initial assessment process, consumers can choose to engage in either 1-1 or group sessions, or a mixture of both. Group Programs are particularly effective where participants focus on a different topic each session with an emphasis on self- empowerment and self-responsibility. Consumers also gain valuable peer support from listening to, sharing and interacting with other group members in a non- judgemental environment.
In addition, Holyoake has developed a set of customised programs unique to Victoria Park including the Attachment Art & Play Program, the Young People’s Program and the Caregivers Program.
The Justice Services and Active Recovery Team also operates out of Victoria Park whilst providing programs in prisons, Department of Justice offices, and mental health services across the Perth metro area. DRUMBEAT, our unique evidence-based, award- winning program is also supported by the Victoria Park office and available across Australia.
Community Alcohol & Drug Services
The North East Metro Community Alcohol & Drug Service (NEMCADS) is delivered in partnership between Holyoake and Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services. This integrated service provides individuals and families with access to a comprehensive range of alcohol and drug services from one location. Adults and young people can access a range of services across counselling and support, medical and psychological services.
Operating out of Midland, the team also work with the Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Network (DAWN), operated by St John of God to provide home based AOD withdrawal programs.
As part of our integrated care commitments, Holyoake provides therapeutic counselling and support services in Kalamunda, Mundaring and Ellenbrook through the NEMCADS team. With the application of a holistic approach to client care, referrals between services are encouraged to maximise the health outcomes. In addition to telephone and video counselling, regular outreach to medical practices extend our services to consumers who may otherwise be unlikely or unable to engage due to cultural factors, transport issues, family commitments (such as parents and their children), environmental factors, comorbid AOD and mental health, and general health factors.
Holyoake has also continued its support of Indigo Junction, a community organisation focussed on homelessness and housing support, working with their drop-in centre, family centre and youth centre.
The Wheatbelt Community Alcohol & Drug Service (WCADS) was established in Northam in 1999. Holyoake has been providing primary treatment services for alcohol and other drug issues across the Wheatbelt Region, with steady growth resulting in the need for additional offices and outreach services being set up in Narrogin, Merredin, Toodyay, Moora, York and other Wheatbelt towns.
Holyoake has secured the Wheatbelt Community Alcohol and Drug Service for an additional five years with AOD, Suicide Prevention and Suicide Prevention Aftercare programs pivotal to mental health and AOD service impact and engagement in the communities.
Covering over 35 towns throughout the region, the Outreach Team offer counselling and support to vulnerable groups in these diverse, small communities. This extensive, structured outreach program has proved invaluable to at-risk groups where the impacts of COVID 19 and increased economic pressures are more prevalent.
One to one counselling and support is available on a 7-10 day cycle over 17 planned routes throughout the Wheatbelt. The outreach services are culturally responsive and secure, offering indepth understanding of evidence-based models to strengthen relationships, build trust and provide effective service delivery. Working with WA Community Health Services, Aboriginal Health Services and other agencies, the Team liaise with other providers to give consumers a holistic approach to recovery and mobilising support: mental and physical health, education, employment, financial, legal and accommodation services.
Trauma informed support, diversion, isolation and the impact of AOD and Mental Health are often amplified in close communities. Holyoake is an invaluable service in the region supporting the individuals and families to make the changes necessary to improve overall social and emotional wellbeing through case management.
Justice Services
Holyoake continues its four year partnership with Cyrenian House to deliver all alcohol and other drug rehabilitation services in metropolitan public prisons, specifically Bandyup, Boronia, Casuarina, Wooroloo, Karnet and Hakea.
Funded by the Department of Justice, Holyoake programs include the Pathways program, ADAPT Throughcare Counselling Service, Methamphetamine Group Program, and the Moral Recantation Group Program.
Collectively, our program suite is known as Allied Drug and Alcohol Programs and Treatment (ADAPT). Holyoake continue to provide an average of 4,500
ADAPT counselling and support sessions to around 600 individuals, delivered pre and post release annually.
Holyoake provide AOD counselling and group programs at Banksia Hill Detention Centre, and at Community Youth Justice Centres in the metro area funded by the Department of Justice. Group and individual sessions are run five days per week with counsellors at Banksia Hill Detention Centre as well as individual sessions on the young person’s release to the community through the four main metro Youth Justice offices in Mirrabooka, Mount Lawley, Bentley and Yangebup.
Collaborative Service Delivery
The Holyoake Active Recovery Team (ART) brings together a multidisciplinary team of AOD and Mental Health Professionals together to provide an intensive, recovery focused 12 week care coordination for consumers with co-occurring mental health and alcohol and other drug issues, that have frequent Emergency Department attendance or inpatient admissions.
The program is coordinated by the Mental Health Commission and developed in collaboration with the East Metropolitan Health Service. The ART comprises access to psychiatrist, mental health nurse, social workers and occupational therapists from the mental health services, and AOD counsellors, and support workers from Holyoake. MIFWA also provides peer support workers as part of the ART program.
Holyoake’s ART program operates from mental health services at Perth City East, Bentley and Midland. The Holyoake ART teams provide ongoing support for people during recovery journey after being discharged from hospital.
Student Placements
Holyoake partners with several leading universities and colleges including Notre Dame University, Murdoch University, UWA, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Tabor College and Marr Mooditj Training College offering 3-9 month student placements. Mental Health Commission volunteers are also recruited as part of the MHC Volunteer Drug and Alcohol Counsellors’ Training Program.
Placements are available in accordance with program needs and resources with students and volunteer counsellors receiving appropriate orientation, training and fortnightly clinical supervision. Mentoring is also offered as part of the placement to provide general support and guidance.
Students on placement at Holyoake participate in co-facilitator group work and observation work and can provide individual counselling to clients where they have demonstrated competency in applying therapeutic interventions, and follow clinical processes including assessment, referral and documentation.
DRUMBEAT Building Resilience through Rhythm
The Holyoake DRUMBEAT program is a world first in structured learning to connect individuals, families and communities as they Discover Relationships Using Music with Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes and Thoughts – key to bringing them together.

With four prestigious awards to its profile, the DRUMBEAT therapeutic drumming program draws on the wisdom of ancient cultures where hand drumming was used to communicate, to bring people together using music, psychology and neurobiology to reconnect with ourselves and others. Support by independent research and evaluations, DRUMBEAT facilitates the social and emotional skills for healthy relationships and values through a process of reconnection with self and interconnection with others to promote social and behavioural change.
COVID 19 had a major impact on our DRUMBEAT program as all our training workshops across Australia had to be cancelled. DRUMBEAT Online was launched as suspending the Program temporarily was not an option.
It is estimated that over 4,500 are now trained DRUMBEAT facilitators with over 60,000 people having participated in the program globally, delivered online and in-person through DRUMBEAT training for reduction in individuals and organisations. These include schools, children’s hospitals, youth services, mental health services, refugee trauma services, prisons, youth justice, child protection centres, veterans, aged care, disabilities with clear evidence of positive impact, increased confidence and self-esteem and a reduction in anti-social behaviours, aggression and absenteeism.
Contact Holyoake
Get in touch with the team at Holyoake today to find out more!