Brainstorm Menu
Eating for your mental health
Chocolate protects your neurons
But skip the milk and white chocolate and stick with the dark chocolate that’s high in flavinoids.
Your brain is like an expensive car
It functions best when it gets only premium fuel. Quality foods containing lots of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants nourish the brain & protect it from stress.
Good Food, Good Mood
Following a healthy, traditional diet, such as Mediterranean, Scandinavian, or Japanese, is associated with a reduced risk of depression and anxiety.
Baby Brain
What mum eats during pregnancy has an impact on a child’s genes related to mental health.
Gut-brain super highway
Our guts and our brains talk to each other via the gutbrain axis with gut bacteria having power over our mood.
Best foods for your mood
Spices (particularly turmeric and saffron), fermented foods, dark chocolate, avocados, fish rich in Omega 3s such as salmon.